
Monday, June 9, 2014

Sweet curry pancakes with mango chutney

sweet curry pancakes with mango chutney

Did you read that title up there? Did you do a double take, blink several times, and squint at the screen in bemused befuddlement?

God that was fun to say. Bemused befuddlement. Befuddled bemusement. Befuddlemusement. 

wat meme of lady with funny facial expression
Stop. Just stop. source

Okay let’s carry on.

About that title—be not afraid, for ahead lies a pancake recipe of delicious proportions. And I don’t even care if “delicious proportions” makes any sense because this is pretty fucking delicious, and don’t let my funky little title discourage you.

I remember the first time I tried curry. It was only about a year ago, shortly after a long, hot soccer game, and my mother and I decided to try going to an Indian restaurant for the first time. I know, I know—how had I endured so long with the glorious of Indian cuisine? Must’ve been some freakish feat of survival, because the minute I tasted the creamy, heavily spiced almond sauce filling a veritable bucket of luxurious vegetable curry, my life changed forever. The flavor was a revelation. Other thick stews I was familiar with—chili, clam chowder, ossobuco, lobster bisque—paled in comparison. Curry, I decided, had no equal.

Since then, I have attempted to initiate myself into the world of Indian cuisine. I’ve specialties commonly found in America, like palak paneer (with both paneer and tofu, in separate versions), chana masala, paneer tikka masala, and dal. I’ve bookmarked a million and a half recipes for naan and even checked out India: The Cookbook by Pushpesh Pant from the library. Even though I made exactly zero recipes from that book. I did read most of it. Was pretty interesting. Can’t remember much though.

But being somewhat fearful of doing any kind of advanced cooking (as well as a sheltered suburban girl who is always worried about violating some intergalactic law of Indian food), I have not been a particularly devoted disciple of this particular cuisine. Mostly I’ve ordered too much takeout from the local curry house. Because holy fuck that stuff is delicious. 

picture of how to make Indian takeout-style food at home
Well shit now I'm starving. Someone hand me the phone, because I've got some curry to order. source

Someday, I hope to at least learn a little bit more about the nuances of Indian cuisine, if not master it. Mostly I want to be able to read the Wikipedia article on curry and not end up in a puddle of bemused befuddlement.

excerpt from Wikipedia article about curry describing curries of Tamil Nadu
Wait, so let me get this down for my shopping list...curry leaves, tamarind, coriander, ginger, garlic, chilis, pepper, poppy...okay I give up.

What I cannot wrap my mind around in this little paragraph is how, exactly, people discovered that a combination of curry leaves, tamarind, coriander, ginger, garlic, chili, pepper, poppy seeds, mustard seeds, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, cumin, fennel (or anise) seeds, funegreek seeds, nutmeg, coconut, turmeric, and rosewater for fuck’s sake all go well together. How did humanity discover these fragrant and unique plants and decide to mash them together and stick them in a simmering pot of food? Did cave men stumble around the fields, notice that a particular blade of grass that smelled good, pick it up, start chewing it, and figure out that hey, maybe it would be a good idea to cultivate this thing? And then over centuries of trial and error, did people figure out which flavors went with which, and end up creating unique blends to demonstrate their results? How the hell did people know this stuff without a Flavor Bible?

We may never know. But for now, we can enjoy the spoils.

paneer tikka masala from My Fancy Pantry
Hoo boy. source

So what does all of this have to do with these pancakes? Well, as you saw in the title, these pancakes are infused with sweet curry powder, a delicious spice blend that is perfect for infusing American-style pancakes with the flavors of India. Well, not quite. Mostly, this is my way of offering homage to the grand culinary traditions of one of my favorite cuisines without venturing outside of my culinary toolbox. Because seriously, cooking is hard. 

The mango chutney is hardly optional, as it offers a bit more heat to the sweet / spicy balance and is really why these pancakes are so damn good. I strongly recommend making it. Even if it isn’t the most slightly mixture ever.

sweet curry pancakes with mango chutney
Please forgive my attempt at drawing.

Essentially, you should make this if you are a fan of both pancakes and curry. Not only does it taste great, but you can brag about it on social media after the fact.

Here’s the recipe.

Sweet curry pancakes with mango chutney

Makes one serving of pancakes with extra compote


Pancake batter (adapted from my mint chocolate chip pancakes)

62 grams • white whole wheat flour • ½ cup

4 grams • baking powder • 1 scant teaspoon

1 gram • salt • 1/8 teaspoon

15 grams • brown sugar • 1 heaping tablespoon

3 grams • curry powder (store-bought blend or homemade, preferably of low heat) • ½ tablespoon

61 grams • coconut milk (any fat content) • ¼ cup plus 3 tablespoons

3 grams • apple cider vinegar • ½ teaspoon

7 grams • coconut oil, melted • ½ tablespoon

Mango chutney (adapted from Vegan Richa)

5 grams • coconut oil • 1 teaspoon

336 grams • mango, cubed • 1 large fruit

6 grams • ginger, grated • 1 tablespoon

1 gram • chili flakes • ½ teaspoon

3 grams • garlic • 1 clove, grated

1 gram • salt • ¼ teaspoon

30 grams • apple cider vinegar • 2 tablespoons

25 grams • sugar • 2 tablespoons

20 grams • golden raisins (substitute regular if you don’t have them) • 2 tablespoons

1 gram • each of cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, and nutmeg powders • 1/8 teaspoon


To make mango compote, go to Vegan Richa and follow the instructions using the ingredients under “mango chutney”.

To make pancake batter, mix together white whole wheat flour, baking powder, salt, brown sugar, and curry powder. Fold in coconut milk, apple cider vinegar, and melted coconut oil just until combined. You may need an extra half tablespoon or so of coconut milk if the batter is too thick. Fry on a (well-preheated) pan until golden brown. Top with mango chutney and munch like a mofo.

Just look at it. Look at these fucking pancakes.

delicious golden brown sweet curry pancakes with mango chutney
So golden. So brown.

It’s beautiful, is it not? The pure, heavenly white? The spicy pepper? The fire? Or at least I think that is supposed to be fire?

No matter. This is my favorite pancake recipe. Nothing—not even birthday cake-flavored pancakes—can top this.

mango chutney is both sweet and spicy and delicious

There will be leftover mango chutney, and that is just fine. The sweet, spicy chutney is an epiphany. Spoon-worthy. Salad-worthy.

Then again this is coming from someone who puts everything and anything in her salads, so take my advice with a grain of salt.

sweet curry pancakes with mango chutney

Just make these. Now.


  1. Mmmm - heck, you speak my lingo! Because Not only was I befuddly bemused, but I thought "I need this in my life RIGHT now!" *pancakeonmyface*
    Seriously though, this looks fantasmic, and I am a big lover of chutneys, and was really happy to see you posted a recipe for it as well (I have always only used store-bought...I know, shame on me *hangs head in shame*). And the pancakes, yum!

    I only tried Indian after having moved to Scotland (We don't have so many restaurants back home in Bergen, NO, and people tend to not eat out as often as here :P), but I have since gotten to love this cuisine! And I had a right good chuckle when you mused upon the mystery that is the curry spices, you're right - how DID they suss out this combination? It was probably whilst they were still running about like cavemen back in Norway (most other countries seemed to be quite a bit ahead of us, heh). BUT it was only a week and a bit ago that I got to try the lush, sweet peshwari bread from a neat little place called the Curry Pot, me oh my! Ever made that before? All I know is that my face was pretty happy after having demolished one of those :D

    Again, I am rambling, but...I blame you - partially! I hope you have a Merry Monday, may the force be with you x

    1. May the force be with you too! :D Thanks for the lovely comment. I've never made peshwari naan but I've eaten it at restaurants, it really is awesome. All kinds of Indian bread are awesome. My favorite is poori, you can't get much better than deep fried bread. :)

  2. Yep, those are some awesome pancakes…and I love your drawing!

  3. A wonderful treat and delicious combination!



  4. I need to get to know about curry a bit more. I have never made a curry and honestly, have only eaten curry once! This looks great, worth me getting to know the recipe

    1. There are so many different curries to try, you have endless possibilities in front of you! Thanks for reading too! :)

  5. It is interesting to think about how curry came about. My guess is that AL L THE SPICES fell into a big pot and voila! :P

    These sound like such tasty pancakes! Way big on flavor.

    1. Yes it must have been magic. :) Thanks for reading, I'm glad you like it!

  6. Okay June you got me. I was befuddled. I was expecting the pancake to be made out of chickpea flour and fried more like Besan Pudat. But I have to say, I want to try this.

    1. Thanks so much! I can totally understand, in fact I was trying to think of a way to phrase the title so it would be more like American-Indian mashup than an authentic dish, but I'm glad you are happy wish this version! :)

  7. Words I'm going to repeat for the rest of the day, Bemused befuddlement. Good looking pancakes.. making me hungry!

    1. Thanks! That is a great word combo right there. :D

  8. Made and posted!
    Thank you so much for the recipe June! Decided to put it up now before leaving for a music festival. I hope you're having a great time at the camp! xx

    1. Thanks so much for making them!! Looks like they came out great. :)
