
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Mini gingerbread chocolate layer cake

mini gingerbread chocolate layer cake

In the weeks after Black Friday, I waited and waited for an opportunity to break out my haul and make some badass (give or take a few units of badassery) cake with either my a) two six-inch pans or b) four three-inch pans, both of which are absolutely adorable. At last, the time has come! Faced with the opportunity to bring some cake to school, I broke out the six-inchers and made deliciously seasonal cake.

Six-inch cake pans, that is. 

mini gingerbread chocolate layer cake banana for scale.

This cake may not be the prettiest I’ve ever made (freezing a cake does that for you), but it is certainly delicious. The streusel adds a little extra something, a bit of texture and flavor, and with the molasses frosting this is very much a gingerbread-esque cake. Plus chocolate. Because chocolate makes everything better.

Today’s a short post, folks, because there are far too many parties to be partied for me to have time for a petty blog post *scoffs*, so I’ll just shut up for now and give you the recipe.


Mini gingerbread chocolate layer cake


Streusel filling

40 grams • all-purpose flour • 1/3 cup

38 grams • granulated sugar • ¼ cup

1 gram • ginger • ½ teaspoon

1 gram • cinnamon • ½ teaspoon

20 grams • molasses • 1 tablespoon

28 grams • coconut oil, softened • 2 tablespoons

Cake batter

94 grams • all-purpose flour • ¾ cup

100 grams • granulated sugar • ½ cup

7 grams • cocoa powder • 1 ½ tablespoons

2 grams • baking soda • ½ teaspoon

1 grams • salt • 1/8 teaspoon

2 grams • ground ginger • 1 teaspoon

1 gram • cinnamon • ½ teaspoon

0.5 grams • cloves • ½ teaspoon

42 grams • coconut oil, melted • 3 tablespoons

7 grams • apple cider vinegar • 1 ½ teaspoons

3 grams • vanilla extract • ¾ teaspoon

122 grams • water • ½ cup


113 grams • coconut oil, softened • ½ cup

180 grams • powdered sugar • 1 ½ cups

84 grams • molasses • ¼ cup

1 gram • ginger • ½ teaspoon

1 gram • cinnamon • ½ teaspoon

Pinch salt


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease two 6-inch round baking pans and line with parchment; set aside.

Start by making streusel. Whisk together all-purpose flour, sugar, ginger, and cinnamon. Stir in molasses. Using your fingers, crumble in coconut oil. Set aside.

In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, salt, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves. In a separate small bowl, whisk together remaining ingredients under “cake batter”. Fold wet ingredients into dry.

Divide batter between prepared cake pans. Sprinkle streusel on top; fold in gently. Bake for about 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Let cool for ten minutes before removing from pans to cool completely on a wire rack.

To make frosting, place coconut oil in the bowl of an electric stand mixer and beat until smooth. Add powdered sugar and combine. Add remaining ingredients and beat until well-combined. Pipe or smear on cooled cake (you may not need all of the frosting). Munch.


mini gingerbread chocolate cake

To conclude this very brief post, some more chocolate cake.

Better than sex cake. Is it really better than sex? Only one way to find out...

Chocolate layer cake with chili and coconut. Probably one of the best cakes I’ve ever made.

Gluten-free chocolate layer cake. Made with quinoa. Yep.


  1. Cocoa and gingerbread works a treat and this cake looks deeelicious, so fluffy :D
    I hope you're enjoying your weekend missy :D S'almost christmas :D x

    1. Thanks, it *was* really fluffy (while it lasted, that is!) :) You enjoy the rest of your weekend too!

  2. Trying not to drool on my keyboard over here... Just knowing the rich spices and molasses flavor that goes into these two miniature layers, it sure looks like a beauty to me!

    1. Thanks so much! Lots of flavor in this tiny cake :)

  3. very interesting I like the use of coconut oil pinned and adding to my to do list have a great christmas
