
Sunday, December 13, 2015

Pumpkin pie with oat crust

vegan pumpkin pie with oat crust

Is it too late for pumpkin? I’d say it’s not. Mostly because we still have a half dozen cans of the stuff all lined up in the pantry.

So here I am, pumpkin pie in hand. 

With mini pumpkins as props, obviously.

I’ve been meaning to make this pie for the longest time after saving the recipe from The Oh She Glows Cookbook, a cookbook from which I’ve also made these bomb-ass brownies. Like most of the recipe from that cookbook, this pie has a semi-healthy twist to it. It’s made with an oat-nut-date crust that sounds more like an energy bar than a pie crust, and the creamy (but not custard-y) no-bake filling is cashew-based. However, it certainly doesn’t taste healthy. The crust, once baked, has a pleasantly oat-y cookie-like texture and is the perfect accompaniment to the rich, almost cheesecake-like filling.

Also makes a terrific vessel for small, green, seed-like sprinkles.

My only regret was that I had no coconut whipped cream to go with this lovely pie. That would’ve made a terrific addition.

I apologize, once again, for the terribly short post, but you see, I’m a very, very, very busy young woman. Wait, no I’m not. I’m not that busy. But I’m trying not to let this blog suck up all my time anymore so I can focus on other priorities in my life (e.g. studying for my AP exams, which seem to be every other week these days). So instead of writing long, freewheeling posts about bullshit nobody cares about enough to read, I’ll just type up a few words about the recipe and slap that ish on the internet. Is everyone cool with that?

Who am I kidding, no one gives a shit. The food is the important part. Here’s the recipe.


Pumpkin pie with oat crust

Adapted from The Oh She Glows Cookbook by Angela Liddon



140 grams • pitted Medjool dates • 3 ounces

100 grams • rolled oats • 1 1/4 cups

55 grams • pecans • 1/2 cup

0.5 grams • cinnamon • 1/4 teaspoon

0.5 grams • salt • 1/8 teaspoon

42 grams • coconut oil, at room temperature • 3 tablespoons


120 grams • cashews, soaked in water for 4 hours and drained • 1 cup

245 grams • pumpkin puree • 1 cup

240 grams • maple syrup • 3/4 cup

112 grams • coconut oil • 1/2 cup

8 grams • vanilla extract • 2 teaspoons

2 grams • cinnamon • 1 teaspoon

1 gram • ground ginger • 1/2 teaspoon

0.5 grams • cloves • 1/4 teaspoon

0.5 grams • nutmeg • 1/4 teaspoon

Pinch allspice

2 grams • salt • 1/4 teaspoon

For serving

Pepitas, to taste (optional)

Whipped coconut cream, to taste (optional)


Start by making the crust. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and grease a 9-inch pie dish.

In a food processor, combine oats, pecans, cinnamon, and salt and combine until the mixture has the texture of coarse sand. Add dates and coconut oil and process again until a dough of sorts forms. It should stick together when pressed between your fingers.

Sprinkle crust mixture onto pie dish and press into an even layer with your fingers. Poke holes in the bottom with a fork and bake for 10 to 12 minutes, until lightly golden. Let pie crust cool while you make the filling.

Place all ingredients under “filling” in food processor and blend until smooth. This will take a few minutes, so be patient.

Pour filling in semi-cooled crust and smooth over the top. Carefully cover with foil and place on an even surface in the freezer to chill overnight, or least 5 to 6 hours, until firm.

Let sit at room temperature for 10 minutes before slicing. Serve with pepitas (as I did), coconut whipped cream (as I didn’t), or some other delicious topping. Bet this would be great with chocolate sauce!


Unattractive close-up? Check!

In other news, I’m almost done recipe testing for my super speshul e-book! I have three to four more concepts to test and write up, then I’ll type up the copy for each recipe, then I’ll design and format the book, then I’ll self-publish it, then I’ll do all this promotion and send like 5,000 emails...oh my God I am nowhere near done. And to think I said I wanted to be done by Christmas.

Haha. Fuck that.

But in the meantime, some other delicious recipes to occupy you lovely readers!

Cherry crunch pie. For crunch lovers everywhere.

Lemon cream pie. Another semi-healthy pie.

Chocolate chip cookie dough pie. Those tiny cookies!!!!!!!

Ginger peach galette with almond crust. Ah, I miss fresh peaches.


  1. You're making an e-recipe book? Squeeee! That is amazing news :D

    And. this. pumpkin. pie.

    It is all I want now... I am about to head to a pot-luck dinner, but I doubt anyone there will have made this! Hopefully lots of other goodies though :) I hope you are having a lovely weekend :) x

    1. Yeah, I've been working on the e-book for what feels like forever! I promise it will be super awesome though :P Hope you had a delightful weekend too!

  2. Haha...I love your commentary about the internet. I'm not sure you saw it, but Google basically announced last week (or was it the week before?) that they prefer sites that just share the recipe straight up. Say what, Google? Maybe you should send them a pumpkin pie and they might realize there's more out there on the internet than just recipes!

    1. Wow, that's interesting! I'll have to google an article about that... LOL :P

  3. Now I have to find that coconut whipped cream if it's the last thing I do. This sounds so yummy. And I agree with you, people don't read anything you have to say for the same reason we hate writing a long story with the recipe - ain't nobody got time for that, LOL. I too struggle to keep my paragraph long enough to show I care (and I do) but I'd much rather just post the darn recipe. Have a great week and thanks for visiting my blog!

    1. Thank YOU Jas! The food blogger struggle is real :P Glad you like the pie too!
