
Monday, December 28, 2015

Double chocolate pumpkin bread

vegan double chocolate pumpkin bread

“More pumpkin? Isn’t it a bit late for that?” Yes, food seasonality conscience, I hear you and I completely understand you, but I am choosing to ignore you because this bread is worth it. And it would be a crime not to post this recipe for all you lovely people so I can extol its virtues.

If you like pumpkin bread and chocolate cake, this is your time to shine. This recipe was made for you. It has all the spice, the sweet autumn flavor of pumpkin bread, plus all the rich chocolatiness of chocolate cake. 

A little brown loaf of awesomeness.

Need I say more? Nah. It may be winter break for this lucky student, but I’m pretty busy. You wouldn’t believe how much work it is binge-watching House of Cards.

"Politics is filthy business, and I'm Kevin Spacey." source

What can I say? I guess, between this and Parks and Recreation, you could say I like shows about government. Except one involves murder and treachery and ruthless power-hungry politicians, and the other stars Kevin Spacey.

The face Amy Poehler makes before she murders you in cold blood and takes your job. source

Anyway. So I guess you all now know what I’m gonna do once I hit “publish” on this post. (Do the dishes, obviously.)

And eat more of this bread.

Basically? Make this, before your stockpile of canned pumpkin runs out. Totally foolproof and totally delicious.


Double chocolate pumpkin bread
Adapted from The Post Punk Kitchen


62 grams • applesauce • ¼ cup

28 grams • coconut oil, melted • 2 tablespoons

27 grams • cocoa powder • 1/3 cup

110 grams • boiling water • 1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons

245 grams • pumpkin puree • 1 cup

200 grams • granulated sugar • 1 cup

4 grams • vanilla extract • 1 teaspoon

204 grams • all-purpose flour • 1 ½ cups

1 gram • cinnamon • ½ teaspoon

0.5 grams • nutmeg • ¼ teaspoon

0.5 grams • ground ginger • ¼ teaspoon

Pinch cloves

3 grams • baking soda • ¾ teaspoon

4 grams • salt • ¾ teaspoon

80 grams • chocolate chips • ½ cup


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a 9 x 8 inch loaf pan.

Place applesauce, coconut oil, and cocoa powder in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, sift together flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, baking soda, and salt.

Add 80 grams • 1/3 cup boiling water to the bowl with the cocoa powder and whisk until smooth. Add pumpkin, sugar, and vanilla and mix well. Add about half of the flour mixture to the chocolate mixture and gently stir to combine, then stir in 15 grams • 1 tablespoon water. Stir in remaining flour, followed by another 15 grams • 1 tablespoon water. Be sure to not over-mix. Fold in chocolate chips.

Pour batter into prepared loaf pan and smooth out the top with a spatula. Bake for 55 minutes to 1 hour, until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Let cool in pan for 10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.


That tablecloth would be very seasonal, if it was still fall.

For more delicious quick breads that may or may not involve some form of squash, click these links.

Chocolate chip pumpkin bread. Because chocolate chips make everything better.

Zucchini bread. The best damn zucchini bread ever, don’t even question me.

Double chocolate zucchini bread. Remarkably similar to this bread, actually.

Carrot bread with coconut and cardamom. Okay, no squashes in here. Whatever.


  1. I may or may not have just bought like 10 cans of pumpkin the other day. I know where some of it will be going now...this bread looks delicious!! (And now it's time to binge watch some more tv. It wouldn't be the holidays without binge watching some shows, right?)

    1. You're right, it wouldn't! Glad you like the bread too :)
