
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Vegan eggnog pancakes

vegan eggnog pancakes

Am I ready for Christmas? Not really. I haven’t yet made anyone’s gifts, and my holiday-themed baking has really been lacking. In fact, it’s gotten so bad that I recently set out to make a recipe using pineapple. Really, pineapple? What the hell, June?

But if there’s one that’s been right on track, it’s my eggnog consumption.

While guzzling down another carton of that expensive but oh-so-good soy milk “egg”nog, I decided that maybe I should perhaps incorporate that into a recipe? Like, for the blog? Yeah!

My first choice was obvious. Vegan eggnog pancakes. Because why not?

Why not indeed.

This recipe, taken from The Vegan Cookbook Aficionado, is actually one of my all-time favorites. It may be the recipe that started this whole mess this blog. The first recipe I ever posted, mint chocolate chip pancakes (featuring photos that really aren’t much more shitty than my photos today), was based off this recipe; and many pancakes since have been based off of that. Indeed—it was this pancake that started the whole pancake cycle.


And for good reason. These may be the fluffiest, easiest, most delicious vegan pancakes I’ve ever eaten. They’re low in fat and sugar, making room for excessively fatty and sugary toppings (see “eggnog faux-cream cheese sauce”), and have a bit of whole wheat in them too. Paired with a homemade eggnog cashew sauce that actually does taste unnervingly similar cream cheese, these babies are a slam dunk. Or a home run. Or whatever sports metaphor you prefer. Um....a hat-trick (eh, hockey fans?).

Basically? Christmas morning has been solved. You’re welcome.

Here’s the recipe.


Vegan eggnog pancakes



136 grams • all-purpose flour • 1 cup

130 grams • white whole wheat flour • 1 cup

12 grams • baking powder • 1 tablespoon

0.5 grams • nutmeg • 1/4 teaspoon

0.5 grams • cinnamon • 1/4 teaspoon

3 grams • salt • 1/2 teaspoon

26 grams • light brown sugar • 2 tablespoons

460 grams • vegan eggnog • 1 3/4 cups plus 2 tablespoons

8 grams • apple cider vinegar • 2 teaspoons

28 grams • olive oil • 2 tablespoons

4 grams • vanilla extract • 1 teaspoon

“Cream cheese” sauce

120 grams • cashews, soaked in water for 4 hours and drained • 3/4 cup

2 grams • lemon juice • 1/2 teaspoon

6 grams • apple cider vinegar • 1 1/2 teaspoons

122 grams • vegan eggnog • 1/2 cup

4 grams • vanilla extract • 1 teaspoon

60 grams • maple syrup • 3 tablespoons

Pinch salt

Cinnamon and nutmeg, to taste


Place flours, baking powder, nutmeg, cinnamon, salt, and brown sugar in a large bowl and whisk until homogenous. Make a well in the center and pour in eggnog, vinegar, oil, and vanilla; whisk until incorporated and few lumps remain, but do not over-mix.

Fry batter on a well-preheated, greased pan until golden-brown on both sides. Top with eggnog “cream cheese” sauce.

Oh yeah—and to make the “cream cheese” sauce, start by placing soaked and drained cashews in a food processor and blending until the cashews resemble a paste. Add remaining ingredients and blend until as smooth as possible. This may take a few minutes, so be patient. Once finish, smear all over your pancakes. Munch.


I devoured the entire stack moments after taking this photo.

And one more thing about the sauce—if you want it thinner and more of a pourable consistency, feel free to add some more eggnog to the mixture. I added a half cup as described in the original recipe, so my sauce was on the thicker side. It all depends on taste.

Anyway. Here’s some more wintery pancakes, all of which would be delicious on Christmas morning.

Chocolate chip cookie dough pancakes. Decadent enough to be a holiday treat.

Ginger pear pancakes with chocolate syrup. A divine trio of flavors.

Peppermint mocha pancakes. These were actually last year’s Christmas morning pancakes!

Sweet potato pancakes with cranberry sauce. In case you wanted to re-live Thanksgiving.