
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Cookie dough waffles with chocolate whipped cream

vegan cookie dough waffles with chocolate whipped cream

Though it’s only been a week, it feels like forever since I’ve blogged on this little website of mine. But these days, a day feels like forever, so that’s only natural.

I can’t say it’s been the best couple of weeks. To describe what exactly is happening to me right now, imagine how you feel right after seeing a jump scare in a movie (The Visit, anyone? God, I can’t believe I watched that piece of shit)—then imagine feeling like that for, say, two weeks straight, with the addition of crippling sadness to sweeten the deal. Pleasant, right?

It’s been so weird. You would not believe. This was supposed to be my year, right? This was supposed to be the year I “got better” and started behaving like a normal, stable human being and generally crushed school and life as a whole...right? No. Instead, I’m looking at my computer screen and feeling like the old lady in Requiem for a Dream, minus the shady weight loss drugs. Like, what the hell, June? What’s going on? What went wrong? What are you gonna do?

I used to know precisely what I was gonna do, but it’s all foggy now. Turns out, the psychology of the human brain is not as simple as I presumed. Who’d have thought?

You will understand if I find myself resorting to various sugary comfort foods to numb the aching emptiness in my heart—no, that’s corny. But you will understand, won’t you? As a fellow flawed, overly-sensitive human being?

This here recipe is one I made a couple months ago, and I sure wish I had a plate of these waffles sitting in front of me now because holy fuck they are good. As to be expected. If crispy, buttery waffles stuffed with chocolate chip cookie dough and topped with chocolate whipped cream can’t be delicious, then what can? 

Damn, just look at those things.

If you’re feeling down, or you’re having awful cramps (no stereotypes there just straight truth), or you’re just in the mood for some fucking fatty-ass food, then these waffles are just what the doctor ordered.

"Most things are fine in moderation" - the doctor

I’m done being sappy and depressing for today. Here’s the recipe.


Cookie dough waffles with chocolate whipped cream

Adapted from The Cookie Dough Lover’s Cookbook by Lindsay Landis

Serves 4 to 6


Cookie dough

56 grams • vegan butter, softened • 1/4 cup

24 grams • granulated sugar • 2 tablespoons

60 grams • light brown sugar • 1/4 cup

2 grams • vanilla extract • 1/2 teaspoon

15 grams • nondairy milk • 1 tablespoon

2 grams • salt • 1/4 teaspoon

68 grams • all-purpose flour • 1/2 cup

50 grams • mini chocolate chips • 1/4 cup


272 grams • all-purpose flour • 2 cups

8 grams • baking powder • 2 teaspoons

4 grams • baking soda • 1 teaspoon

3 grams • salt • 1/2 teaspoon

120 grams • applesauce • 1/2 cup

488 grams • nondairy milk • 2 cups

15 grams • apple cider vinegar • 1 tablespoon

112 grams • coconut oil, melted • 1/2 cup

50 grams • granulated sugar • 1/4 cup

4 grams • vanilla extract • 1 teaspoon

Whipped cream

30 grams • powdered sugar • 1/4 cup

10 grams • cocoa powder • 2 tablespoons

150 grams • coconut cream (the fat-rich part of full-fat coconut milk that separates after chilling) • 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons


Start by making cookie dough. Place vegan butter in the bowl of an electric stand mixer and beat until smooth. Add granulated sugar and brown sugar and beat until light and fluffy. Pour in vanilla and milk; beat once more to combine. Spoon in salt and flour and mix just until combined. Fold in chocolate chips. Roll dough into balls about the size of a marble; chill until needed.

To make waffles, start by whisking together flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a large bowl. In a medium bowl, whisk together applesauce, milk, vinegar, coconut oil, sugar, and vanilla until frothy. Pour wet ingredients into dry and whisk to combine.

Spoon batter into a greased, preheated waffle iron. Immediately place a few balls of cookie dough on top of batter. Cook according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

To make whipped cream, simply place all ingredients in an electric stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment and beat until stiff peaks form. Serve waffles with extra balls of cookie dough and chocolate whipped cream.


Needs more whipped cream.

For more indulgent breakfast food recipes, click the links below.

Tiramisu pancakes. Easier than actual tiramisu and breakfast-friendly. What’s not to love?

Peanut butter cup caramel mocha pancakes. know you want to try them...

Chocolate chip cookie dough pancakes. For those who would prefer pancakes over waffles.

Birthday cake funfetti pancakes. Screw saving these for birthdays, I’d eat these every day.


  1. This is perfect: cookie dough with waffles! :)

  2. These sound like the best waffles EVER! Holy flipstick.... Sorry too busy wanting those... x

    1. Thanks Jules! They pretty much were the best waffles ever :)

  3. I'm sorry you've been that way lately :( Hopefully these waffles helped a bit, they look and sound amazing!

    1. Thanks! These waffles are a great pick-me-up actually :)
