
Friday, August 8, 2014

Homemade vegan chocolate wafer cookies

homemade vegan chocolate wafer cookies

Today, I have one question for you: would you buy a self-published book?

You may recall (probably not) that I’ve been spending the past few weeks binge-writing my novel-in-progress—a novel which I someday hope to publish, with a traditional publisher or not. But lately, I’ve begun to think that maybe a traditional publisher isn’t the route I want to take.

I have always thought my destiny was a six-figure contract at Randomhouse. Because of course. But the book world of today isn’t the same book world of my childhood (or yours, either) as authors have a lot more power than they used to. Hell, I even self-published a short story on Smashwords last Christmas just for the fun of it. It was awesome seeing my own work on my Kindle screen. Some say self-publishing—or author-publishing, as the ever-badass Chuck Wendig prefers to call it—is the future of the industry. And who am I to contradict that?

So I don’t know. Maybe in a few months’ time, I’ll have an e-book out. That would be pretty cool.

That’s enough of my blabbering for today. Now for the recipe.

homemade vegan chocolate wafer cookies
Sexy close up.

I have a very, very special recipe planned for my next post (or one of my next posts, anyway) which calls for a large amount of chocolate wafers—so instead of overloading you with two long recipes in the same post, I’m splitting them up. For readability. And stuff. I promise there’s a good reason.

Why am I making homemade chocolate wafers when the store-bought version is so much easier? Well, my mother (the same one who eats half a banana) refused to buy Oreos, and as such resourceful little Baby June was reduced to cooking *gasp* homemade chocolate wafers in the *GASP* toaster oven!

Yes. Our ancient, 90’s-era toaster oven that is older than me. Because my parents had it when they were first married, and now self-publishing-hopefuls like me can cook our homemade chocolate wafer cookies while we wait for the goddamn oven to get fixed, FFS .

And it works pretty well, even though the tight quarters do, um, cause the cookies to come out a bit misshapen. But no matter. This *cough* special recipe I have doesn’t really distinguish between perfectly round cookies and blog-shaped ones, after all.

Le recipe:
Vegan chocolate wafer cookies

Adapted from Fifteen Spatulas


250 grams ● all-purpose flour ● 2 cups

40 grams ● cocoa powder ● ½ cup

8 grams ● baking powder ● 2 teaspoons

3 grams ● salt ● ½ teaspoon

223 grams ● nondairy margarine (try substituting some coconut oil), softened ● 1 cup

200 grams ● granulated sugar ● 1 cup

90 grams ● nondairy milk ● ¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons

12 grams ● vanilla extract ● 1 tablespoon


In a medium bowl, whisk together all-purpose flour, cocoa powder, salt, and baking powder, then set aside.

In the bowl of an electric stand mixer, cream together margarine and granulated sugar until fluffy and lightened in color. Add nondairy milk and vanilla and mix until combined. With mixer on low speed, gradually add dry ingredients and mix just until a dough comes together.

Form dough into a log and place in the refrigerator for at least an hour to firm up. Then slice dough into 1/8-inch circles and bake at least one inch apart on parchment paper at 350 degrees F. It will take about 15 minutes for cookies to become dry to the touch. Allow to cool completely on baking sheet before using in...SPECIAL RECIPE *evil laugh*.

homemade vegan chocolate wafer cookies
Short glass of vanilla soy milk on the side.

So why make homemade wafers if you, unlike me, have the power to procure store-bought Oreos or wafers or whatever?

Well, the homemade version is, of course, much tastier, especially fresh out of the oven. Also, strict vegans and food-conscious folks can make better ingredient choices than the ones you’d find in Oreos, whether you choose vegan sugar, organic flour, or fair-trade cocoa. May not be healthier for you, per se, but definitely healthier for the environment.

Plus it involves cookie dough. Which you can eat. And what’s not to love about that?

(Hint: nothing.)


  1. I would buy a self-published book by you! And then I would make these chocolate wafer cookies, have a glass of coffee or milk and enjoy aforementioned book whilst munching away :D
    I self-published a poetry collection earlier this year and it is good fun :) Most pages also have a "print" to order where the customer can pick whether they want a hardback or soft-copy, colour or black and white etc, which I found was quite handy :) All the best with the writing, I am looking forward to hear all about the progress :D x

    1. Oh, a poetry collection sounds interesting! That's so cool! Glad to hear you would buy it, I imagine you'll be hearing a lot more about it as it progresses :)
