
Monday, February 16, 2015

53 vegan pancake recipes for Pancake Tuesday

53 vegan pancake recipes for pancake tuesday

Have you heard of the beautiful French holiday that is Mardi Gras? Being a very white and very suburban New Englander, I’ve never participated in any of the festivities down south but have only watched from afar—the costumes, the parades, the dances, oh yeah and the food. And damn if it’s not an interesting holiday. New Orleans has their full day of parades and festivities. Brazil has the enormous five-day Carnival. All around the Anglo-Catholic world people celebrate the day before Lent by relaxing moral codes and breaking out the purple and yellow and green and eating lots of delicious fried foods.

Pretty awesome, no?

So while we may not be the type to ride a float through New Orleans or fast during the month of Lent, we can still enjoy the tradition of eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday—which, confusingly, is the same day as Mardi Gras and celebrates much the same things—also known as Pancake Tuesday. For this occasion I’ve put together a giant list of vegan pancakes culled from this blog as well as some other sources.

Honestly, I’ve been preparing for this day all year.

Here they are. All the pancakes you could ever want or need.

Taking me back to Christmas day.

When the authentic Italian dessert is just too much work.

They're prettier in real life.

8. Pumpkin spice latte pancakes from The Vegan 8.

Truly like cake for breakfast.

Much easier than actual cinnamon rolls.

Surprisingly good.

It's like Thanksgiving all over again.

Ah, Finland.

Totally crazy; totally delicious.

Back when my photos were supremely shitty and not just regular shitty.

Because who wants those flimsy pastry shells anyway?

These really take me back.

That rosemary syrup is the stuff of dreams.

The most successful pancake recipe on the blog.

Chocolate for breakfast? That's a yes from me.

But make sure you use fresher raspberries than I did.

Olive oil adds a great flavor to these pancakes.

I  have fond memories of this breakfast.

That’s it folks, and have a great day!


  1. Oh my! Not a top ten or twenty or even fifty, but FIFTYTHREE?!
    Love it :D
    Which one will you be making tomorrow? I am going around to some friends' after work tomorrow, where we'll probably crêpe it up (we have a little dance and erryfink ^ ^ ) and then possibly head to a pub quizzzzzz ^ ^
    I hope you have a lovely pancake Tuesday ahead :) x

    1. Haha yes I have no life...just pancake recipes around here :) I'll probably make a new flavor of pancakes, just because. You can never have enough pancake flavors! :D

  2. I don't celebrate Lent either, but I'll take any excuse to eat pancakes! You have some seriously delicious contenders assembled here.

  3. If only I could make all of these tonight! So good.

  4. Amazing collection!! I love to try all of them-))



  5. Oh my all of these look so good! Thanks for sharing! Xo

  6. June, this is certainly an amazing list of pancake recipes that you put together - lots of different flavors and ingredients - I am sure that we will all be able to find a favorite or two amongst all those contenders!
    Hope you had a wonderful Pancake Day yesterday, wonder which recipe you prepared?
    Have a wonderful week,

    1. Thank you! I ended up making chocolate pancakes (like the peppermint mocha ones) but topped them with cherries instead of peppermint chocolate sauce. it was delicious! :)

  7. What an awesome collection of vegan pancakes--from breakfast to dessert. Yum! Please come share your blog posts over at the Home Matters Linky Party! We'd love to have you for a visit. The Door is OPEN. :)

    Life With Lorelai

  8. LOVELY recipes! Thank you for this awesome collection!
